Our cavity wall insulation removal services are performed by our trained professionals. Start your journey towards a healthier house today.
Headaches, congestion, chest infections… does this sound familiar to you? Your failing cavity wall insulation could be causing damp and mould in your home… making you unwell.
Failing cavity wall insulation wont just affect your health, it will affect your pockets too! If you want to avoid unnecessary damage costs, it’s always best to check if you need extraction.
Are you house proud? Failing cavity wall insulation and the damage it causes can drastically disturb the value of your home.
A cavity wall consists of an outer and inner skin of bricks, the space between them allows ventilation. Insulating this space can cause water ingress which will eventually develop into damp and mold.
Using an industrial vacuum and a compressor, wet cavity wall insulation is blown and extracted from your cavity walls. Aibricks are then installed to dry out internal walls.
Expect to pay £15 – £22 per square meter for cavity wall insulation extraction. However, Polyurethane foam removal typically costs more than mineral wool to extract.
Your cavity wall insulation would be removed as neatly and as efficiently as possible by our experts! They will remove brick from the bottom of your external wall discreetly and then proceed to blow compressed air into the cavity, causing the damaged insulation to fall to the bottom of your cavity wall. It will then get removed, using an industrial hoover by our team!
When cavity wall insulation becomes wet, your home will become damp, and mould will grow. This can effects your well being, symptoms include conjestion and headaches. At this point, cavity wall extraction is essential.
Is is possible to get your cavity wall insulation removed for free – CIGA claims prodecure, ECO grant, home insuarance explained.
Blown plaster, cracks in render/brickwork, wall tie replacement all come at a cost. But first, you should remove your cavity wall insulation.
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Certain properties should not have cavity wall insulation installed. Location, cavity condition, structrual materials, detachment and brick pointing can have an adverse affect on your insulation.
The symptons displayed by failed cavity wall insulation can be endless. Blown plaster, damp walls and cracks in render tend to be the most common. If you’re notcing these symptoms then you should consider cavity insulation extraction.
Damp and mould is no joke. It can damge your property, affect your health and can be costly to repair. Identifying the signs be