Internal Wall Insulation Grants


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Most frequent questions and answers

For homes with a traditonal solid wall, there is only really two options when it comes to insulating the exterior wall – Internal Wall Insulation (IWI) & External wall Insulation (EWI). There are many limitations when it comes to EWI – Must have a overhanging Roof, Well kept soffits and fascia, no bay windows or other external reveals. The list goes on. IWI is easy to install and equally as efficient at reducing heat loss. Providing the property is ventilated properly (which we also take care of) then IWI could be the perfect solution for your home.

Yes! ECO4, the latest home energy conservation scheme has allocated grants for solid wall insulation. What does this mean? You could insulate your externall walls completely free of charge along with other insulation and heating measures if possible. 

The short answer, Yes. However Internal wall Insulation does not reduce your wall space as much as an insulated plasterboard. Whilst Internal wall insualtion trumps plasterboard insulation when it comes to efficieny, it is more difficult to install. Not to panic, we have you covered on that front.