Heating & Insulation Specialists

We help families around the UK to live in an energy efficient homes through the use of insulation and installing eco-friendly boilers. We provide boiler grants as well as cavity wall insulation & extraction.

Making ECO Grants simple & secure.

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What is the eligibility criteria for a heating grant?

EPC Rating D,E,F or G.

Don't worry if you're not familiar with your Energy performance rating (EPC). We can check this online. Quick stat -Over 41% of homes are rated 'D' or below in the UK.

Means Tested Benefit

Someone living in your home must be in receipt on a means tested benefit. Here are some example:- Universal Credit, Working tax credit, Child tax credit, ESA & the list goes on...

Inefficient Heating System

Any heating system that is 'Non-condensing' is classified as inefficient. To give you an idea most boilers with a hot water cylinder are inefficient. Even some Combi boiler are inefficient.

Are you ready to start your application?


To create a more sustainable world by improving the energy usage in homes throughout the UK. The majority of homeowners spend an average of 9 hours of their waking hours at home per week – that’s a lot of energy consumption! We’re looking to reduce the long term impacts on this consumption whilst saving homeowners pennies at the same time.


In order to create a more sustainable world, we need to create more energy efficient homes across the UK. One way we’ll achieve this is by substituting old and inefficient boilers to new, eco-friendly boilers. For many, there’s grants available for this. Read our ECO Grant page for more details.

The second way we’ll achieve this is by ensuring homes across the UK are appropriately insulated. We offer both cavity wall insulation as well as extraction for homes that have previously received poor insulation.